WhatsApp rolls out new features; unsend and delete for everyone

 SMTV Desk 2017-10-27 21:09:49  WhatsApp, rolls, out, new, features, unsend, delete, for everyone
WhatsApp rolls out new features; unsend and delete for everyone

WhatsApp is goin to roll out two new feature soon. These features are Unsend and Delete for everyone .UnsendThe Unsend feature also known as recall or revoke will help the user to delete the sent message from the receivers screen. This feature will be useful if any mistake is typed in message or if a message gets sent by mistake. But this feature have few restrictions i.e user will have to delete the message in specified time-frame after which he/she will not be able to delete the message. This feature will work in Android, iPhone, and Windows Phone apps and also in WhatsApp web.Delete for Everyone will work on messages, images, videos, GIFs, contact, files, location, quoted message, status replies, and documents. The feature will work within 7 minutes of sending the message in any of the above-mentioned forms. The deleted messages will be replaced with “This message was deleted for everyone.”The message will be deleted from the chat page and the notifications.