Lagadapati Survey: Who will win in coming elections

 SMTV Desk 2018-12-03 17:32:11  Lagadapati, elections,
Lagadapati Survey: Who will win in coming elections

Hyderabad, December 03: We all knew that, Congress leader Lagadapati Raj Gopal’s survey is most coveted in political circles. Though he declined to comment on it in public, he has been sharing his findings real time with some of his media friends. According to his survey, the results are as below:

TRS – 52
MIM- 7
BJP – 4
Maha Kootami — 48
Independents 8

It is known that, Telangana has total of 119 seats and it needs 60 seats for any party to form government. Even though TRS is claiming they will win 100 seats, as elections approach it is becoming clear that TRS will definitely not win that many seats. Also as per the above report, neither TRS nor Praja kootami led by Congress will get magic number on its own. Moreover, Congress, TDP, TJS, CPI and other independents will be sharing 56 seats remaining (after deducting TRS, BJP and MIM seats)..

So, as per the report from lagadapati, it is going to be hung assembly as neither TRS nor Praja Kootami will get magic number and others will become crucial after results. We will have to wait and see how true is this report.