Man drunk nitrogen

     Written by : SMTV24x7 | Thu, Jul 06, 2017, 12:36 PM

Man drunk nitrogen

Delhi, July 6: A sad incident has happened recently. A man was hospitalized after he has drunk liquid nitrogen at a Gurgaon bar. The owners and staff of the bar in the city have said that such incidents happen due to lack of regulations of mixing drinks with such gases.

This incident happened on April 13.He was admitted to Columbia Asia Hospital. Doctors have said that he didn't wait for 50-60 seconds which is mandatory while drinking any drink so that the gas would evaporate. They also said that gas went directly into his digestive track and half of his stomach has been damaged.

Currently, Liquid nitrogen is used in drinks such as cocktails to make them cold.Experts say that it is dangerous to inhale or consume such gases because it leads to the death of the people.they have also urged the government to come out with proper regulations so that such incidents don't happen.

Let's hope that people will be aware while consuming drinks so that they don't loose their lives because of their mistakes.