What, Will KTR quit Politics?

 SMTV Desk 2018-11-15 17:52:36  telangana minister, IT minister, KTR, TRS
What, Will KTR quit Politics?

Hyderabad, Nov 15: Minister K T Rama Rao on Thursday said that he would quit politics if his party does not come to power in the ensuing elections.

Addressing Meet the Press by Press Club here Rama Rao threw up a challenge to the opposition party leaders to defeat TRS in the coming elections.

If TRS does not come to power on December 11, I will take political sanyas. Can anyone take my challenge? The elections are a referendum on our government, said Rama Rao.

The TRD leader said that the government next priority would be education, health and urban infrastructure.

Rao said that TRS was not soft towards BJP and the party would ensure BJP loses deposits in 100 constituencies.