Not allowed to raise the issue

 SMTV Desk 2016-12-11 01:03:47  pm modi,rahul gandhi,demonistisation,loksabha,corruption
Not allowed to raise the issue

Ahmadabad December 11 : Prime minister Narendra modi made a crucial comments on opposition over the demonetization issue. He said that "I am not being allowed to speak in Lok Sabha, so I am speaking in Jan Sabha, while addressing a rally of farmers in Gujarat.Mr. Modi said, placing the blame of disruptions on Opposition parties in parliament, "We said we are ready for debate in the house but opposition don t allow Parliament to function. Even the President, who has tremendous political experience, is anguished at the happenings in Parliament.Previously Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi made a statement on P.M modi that he was not being allowed to speak in the Lok Sabha and in reply to that, modi made a tremendous statement to Rahul that he, too was not being allowed to raise the issue in the House while calling the demonetization as the biggest scam. From the modi s point of view, demonetization would end corruption and empower the poor while delivering a death blow to terrorism and those involved in fake currency rackets.If India wants to progress, the evils of corruption and black-money have to end..., Mr. Modi told the farmers.