Indian shooter Elavenil Valarivan won gold medal, world records

 SMTV Desk 2018-03-22 21:38:24  Indian, shooter, Elavenil Valarivan, won, gold, medal, world, records, women, 10 metre, Air, Rifle, event, ISSF, Junior World Cup
Indian shooter Elavenil Valarivan won gold medal, world records

Sydney, March 22: Emerging Indian shooter Elavenil Valarivan clinched the gold medal along with a couple of world records in the women s 10 metre Air Rifle event at the ISSF Junior World Cup here on Thursday.Valarivan was in red hot form and started off brilliantly by shooting 631.4 in the qualification round and created a new junior world record in the process.She never looked back since and continued her good run into the finals and shot 249.9 to seal her maiden World Cup crown.India also annexed the gold in the team event as Valarivan, Shreya Agrawal and Zeena Khitta shot a combined total of 1876.9 points which was again a world record in the junior category.