China shock to India

 SMTV Desk 2018-03-05 17:12:45  China, Asia, Military expenditure,increase,USA
China shock to India

Beijing Mar 5: In a Major move to protect the country and to improve its presence across sea China has increased the budget allocated on Military. The Government has announced an Hike of 8.1 % for defense expenditure. The Total allocation now stands at $175 billion.Sources said that the total funds allocated are 3 times higher than India s defense budget. The country has increased its budget by 7 % last year and the country is World Number 2 in allocating higher funds for Defense.The increased budget would be used for building two more aircraft carriers, the addition of new jet fighters, including stealth fighter J-20, flotilla ships.Experts said that the increase in budget assumes significance because of the growing conflicts with neighboring regions and growing interference of US in Asia.