Bomb Blast rocks Myanmar

 SMTV Desk 2018-02-24 15:34:21  Bomb Blast,Mayanmar,Rohyingya, Terrorists,
Bomb Blast rocks Myanmar

Myanmar Feb 24: In a Tragic incident 3 bombs have Exploded in Rakhine of Myanmar early today morning, including at the home of a high ranking official.Officials added that "Three bombs exploded and three other unexploded bombs were found. A police was injured but not seriously.There are no deaths in the bomb blast in the case".They added that "The blasts occurred around 4 am (local time) in the compound of the state government secretary s home, at an office and on a road leading towards the beach."Currently, police are investigating the case and they are also probing of involvement of Rohingyas and Terrorists in the bomb blast case.More details, in this case, are awaited.