Tips by doctors to get pregnant with irregular periods

 SMTV Desk 2018-01-19 20:35:57  Tips, doctors, pregnant, irregular, periods
Tips by doctors to get pregnant with irregular periods

New generation has lots of stress and work to handle which led to irregular periods in women. Due to irregular periods many are not able to get pregnant and are prone to infertility. Here are some ideas with which women can get pregnant even with irregular periods.1)Balanced Diet2)Physical activities3)Track fertile days4)Lead a stress-free life5)Frequent intercourseBy following these tips one can increase chances of getting pregnant.1) Balanced Diet: Vitamins and folic acid are wonder foods for boosting fertility and helping you get pregnant faster. Include vegetables, cabbage, banana, soybean, tomatoes and dry fruits in your diet.2)Physical activities: Regular exercise is good for your health, but even better when you are trying to conceive. Moderate physical activities like a brisk walk, yoga, and cycling help in reducing the hormonal imbalance.3)Track fertile days: You can get pregnant only during a few days every cycle known as fertile days. However, with irregular cycles, it is quite challenging to figure out the exact date of ovulation. Fertility monitors can track your fertile days at home by detecting both estrogen and luteinizing hormone in urine. Fertility monitors can suggest up to six fertile days every cycle specific to your body taking into account your cycle irregularities.4)Lead a stress-free life: Stress and sleep deprivation can mess with your cycle, making you more prone to infertility. There s a strong link between your emotions and your cycle. Therefore, relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga will help you alot.5)Frequent intercourse: While many people suggest having ample sex is the key to getting pregnant faster, having too much of it is also not ideal. Having sex every alternate day during your five-six fertile days is perfect even when you have irregular periods.