85% of young Chinese pressurized by family to marry

 SMTV Desk 2017-12-21 16:13:00  Beijing,85% young chinese people, family, marriaged
85% of young Chinese pressurized by family to marry

Beijing, Dec 21: Over 85 percent of young Chinese were pressurized by older family members into getting married, a survey revealed on Thursday.More than 69 percent of the youngsters surveyed by the China Youth Daily said they felt pressure when being pushed, reports said."I plan to get married before 30 but my parents always ask me to find a boyfriend soon. It makes me anxious whenever they push me," said Hou Weiwei, 25.The survey showed nearly half of respondents were reluctant to chat with their parents because their parents mentioned marriage so frequently.More than 32 percent were increasingly unwilling to go home and more than 26 percent have doubts about themselves.Ling Zi, the member of Zhejiang Mental Health Association, said that both parents and their children should receive education about marriage."Young people should tie the knot after knowing their partners well, instead of rushing into a marriage because of age," Ling said.The survey questioned 1,984 people who had reached or were over the legal age for marriage in China, 22 for men and 20 for women.