Tips For Glowing Eyes

 SMTV Desk 2017-08-14 19:18:33  Tips,Eyes,black circles,Almond oil,potato juice,
Tips For Glowing Eyes

Hyderabad Aug 14: Do you have black chars below the eyes.Follow some of the tips to remove the defect* Apply Almond oil below the eyes. it acts as Anti Inflammatory and it helps to brighten eyes. Wash the face next day morning after applying the oil overnight.* Apply raw potato juice on the face, because it acts as a natural bleaching agent.Wash the face after 15 minutes of application.Repeat the technique twice a day for better results.* Try to use the used tea bags. soak the tea bags in warm water and apply it on the eyes so that the black circles disappear.* Cucumber pieces can also be applied so that eyes look brighter.