DNA of Human Embryo changed to cure genetic diseases

 SMTV Desk 2017-07-28 18:22:55  Human,Embryo,DNA, CRISPR ,genetic diseases
DNA of Human Embryo changed to cure genetic diseases

Boston July 28: A technique was successfully implemented to cure health diseases. The Doctors for the first time have used CRISPR technique to cure the genetically inherited diseases by changing genes of the human embryos so that the new born is safe.Currently, CRISPR technique is used to cure genetically inherited diseases and cancers.Doctors use the technique because it is extremely precise and easy-to-access gene-editing technique.Sources say that American scientists have used injected some chemicals which change the damaged DNA of the human Embryo using a needle so that new born baby would be safe.However, doctors are still worried about the health of the embryo and said that we have to wait till a new the child is born because earlier similar treatments have failed because the fetus died within weeks after the DNA modifications.