Benefits of Yoga

 SMTV Desk 2017-06-21 12:41:25  yoga, benefits, health, asanas, international yoga day,
Benefits of Yoga

Hyderabad, June 21: Human beings are made up of 3 components, Body, Mind and Soul. Corresponding to these three there are needs such as Health, Knowledge, and Inner Peace.# Health is Physical need, # Knowledge is our Psychological need,# Inner Peace is a Spiritual need.Yoga gives us relief from countless ailments at the physical level. The practice of the Asanas (Postures) strengthens the body and creates a feeling of well-being. If we take a keen look into the benefits of yoga, they are numerous. It improve physical fitness, stress, controls general well-being, mental clarity and greater self-understanding, Cardiovascular, heart disease, stroke, and arteriosclerosis, chronic lung disease, diabetes, cirrhosis of liver, suicide and several forms of cancer.1. Yoga for all-around fitness:- Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving and enthusiastic you are. This is where yoga helps: postures, pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation are a holistic fitness package. The benefits accrued by being a regular practitioner are numerous. Some very discernible ones are:* Improves health* Gives mental strength* Improves physical strength* Protection from injury* Detoxifies the body2. Yoga for weight loss:-Weight loss is many people desire, Yoga helps here too to lose the weight. Sun Salutations and Kapalbhati pranayama help lose weight with yoga. Moreover, with regular practice of yoga, we tend to become more sensitive to the kind of food our body asks for and the time we take. This can also help keep a check on our weight.3. Yoga for stress relief:- A few minutes of yoga during the day can be a great way to get rid of stress that accumulates daily - in both the body and mind. Yoga postures, pranayama, and meditation are effective techniques to release stress. You can experience the calming effects of yoga in the Sri Yoga Level 2 program.4. Yoga for Inner Peace:- We all love to visit peaceful, serene spots, rich in natural beauty. Little do we realize that peace can be found right within us and we can take a mini-vacation to experience this any time of the day! Benefit from a small holiday every day with yoga and meditation. Yoga is also one of the best ways to calm a disturbed mind.5. Yoga to improve immunity:- Our system is a seamless blend of the body, mind, and spirit. An irregularity in the body affects the mind and similarly, unpleasantness or restlessness in the mind can manifest as an ailment in the body. Yoga poses massage organs and strengthens muscles; breathing techniques and meditation release stress and improve immunity.Remember, yoga is a continuous process. So keep practicing! The deeper you go into your yoga practice, the more profound will be its benefits.