Risks of excessive weight gain or loss in Pregnancy

 SMTV Desk 2017-06-08 14:54:01  pregnancy, women, weight gain or loss
Risks of excessive weight gain or loss in Pregnancy

Sydney, June 8: Majority of women are not achieving a healthy weight during pregnancy, an Australian study has released on Wednesday.According to Reports, Monash University Researchers undertook a comprehensive study worldwide around of 1.3 million pregnant women and found that a quarter of pregnancy women did not gain enough weight while more than half gained too much weight during pregnancy.The lead researcher, Helena Teede, warned that women those who put on too much weight were more likely to require a caesarean birth while who did not gain enough weight have faced an increased risk of premature birth, she said.Researchers analyzed more than 5,300 international studies of pregnant women and found that at the beginning of pregnancy 38 percent of women were obese or overweight, 55 percent were having the normal weight and 7 percent were underweight.Women who started at a higher weight were more likely to gain weight quicker as the pregnancy progressed, Helena Said. Helena told to reporters of Australian here on Wednesday that You should not put on any weight in the first trimester, a little in the second trimester and just a little more in the third. You have to increase only your calorie intake by a small amount. You are not eating for two, She added.The Study highlighted the need for strategies to optimize healthy weight and monitor among Pregnancy women, Teede said.She said that We know what to do and now need to implement the available evidence into action to help women and the next generation be healthier. Later asked the Health professionals to encourage and train about having healthy conversations introducing relatively simple effective lifestyle interventions to support women before, during and after pregnancy.