National steel policy to boost Infrastructure

 SMTV Desk 2017-05-15 16:54:44  NSP, Tata industries, UK, coking coal, 2030,NPA
National steel policy  to boost Infrastructure

Delhi MAY 15: Union Government has brought out a National Steel Policy last year.The policy was brought at a time when Indian steel industries were suffering.The main objectives of the policy are * To make Indian steel industry compete with International players.* To increase per capita consumption of Steel to 160 kgs by 2030-31.* To decrease 65 % of the import of coking coal by 2030-31.* To reduce the carbon footprint in Indian steel industry.The minister of Transport and highways is already considering an option to make mandatory use of Indian-made steel in the construction sector.We know that steel industry is facing crisis across the world .and Tata industries have announced the closure of their steel plant in the UK.Some of the problems faced by the industry are as follows* Dumping of Chinese steel all over the world at a cheaper price.* Rising NPA in the sector.* Policy paralysis which had occurred in last 10 years of UPA government.* Stall of Infrastructure projects.Finally, Industry experts feel that the steps taken by the current government are appreciable and the National policy on steel will really boost the industry.